Paul Rodriguez Skateboarding Plan B at Park Warehouse

By : tonzsk8vidz, December 03, 2008

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Paul Rodriguez Skateboarding at Plan B Park Warehouse

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Skateboarding For Professionals – Starting With the Right Gear

The perfect skateboard is not the only thing you need in the activity. In fact, it is only a part of the gears you need. The offer half is completed by the gadgets which make skateboarding a safe sport for you. Although well-seasoned pros make skateboarding seem so easy, they are still at risk for injuries. Therefore, being responsible through wearing of protective gears is a must.

The Head

Protective head gears are one of the most important equipment in skateboarding. The helmet needs to fit well on every side of your head. It should protect the front, the sides, and the back part so you can be safe in case of injuries. Some helmets have special padding which prevents sweat from getting to the forehead. Although these gadgets may be expensive, they can provide the ultimate protection you need. Be sure to wear one while skateboarding. It can greatly reduce the risk of severe head injuries.

The back part of your head should be covered properly with the helmet. The front part should be cushioned as well. If serious accidents will happen, your head can still be safe. The risk of getting injuries will greatly lessen through the use of these protective gears. Having the right type of helmet is very important to make skateboarding a safe activity for you.

Padding For The Knees And Elbows

Another protective gear is the padding. Like helmets, these are important gadgets that can lessen the severity of injuries. Minimizing the impact of falls is greatly needed by skateboarders. Therefore, using padding for the knees and elbows is necessary. With these gears, a skateboarder can be a hundred percent fully functional during stunts. Some even wear ankle braces for added support. Be sure to wear padding for knees and elbows to provide proper cushioning during the activity.

Padding for specific body parts are sold in various prices, quality and design. Some are even designed with different colors to suit your taste. It can become your signature gadget especially when you have earned enough fans from skateboarding.

The Shoes

Wearing professional shoes is also important for the skateboarder. The skills will be completed efficiently with the use of proper shoes. These gadgets should have enough grip on them so the skateboarder won't fall from the deck. Socks should also be worn so the shoes can be comfortable for the skateboarder. These gears can make skateboarding a success because of comfort and safety in the activity.

The Brand And Price Of Protective Gears

Many manufacturers sell these gears for very low prices. However, you need to find something which is made under safe and quality standards. Many people would want to follow the promoters of these protective gears; but this is only a common marketing plan used to lure consumers to their doors. So before making the purchase, be sure that you are buying quality items at an affordable price. Do not rely on the endorsements alone because you might get tempted buying gadgets which are either poor in quality or over priced.

Well-seasoned skateboarders wear various protective gears. They also change their items from time to time. Because several new gears are released in the market, a lot of skateboarders change their items together with the trend. Although it may serve you several benefits, sticking on a set of protective gears is already enough. Having something which can provide great comfort during skateboarding is important. Make sure that your gadgets have high quality so they can last for a very long time. You must also be safe and comfortable on it so you can practice your skateboarding skills without limitations.

By: John Pauls

Tips For Choosing Your Skateboard

Choosing the perfect skateboard can be an exciting experience. But before you jump right in and buy one, you need to make sure that you do your research. There are some very impressive skateboards on the market today that feature amazing graphics, and some have even been designed by professional skateboarders themselves. It is important to do your homework and decide exactly what features you want before making a final purchase.

Realizing your own unique skating style will help you decide which type of skateboard is right for you. Some skaters prefer longer boards, while others swear by wider boards. You also need to keep in mind that your size also plays a part in what size of skateboard you will need. In general, the more the skater weighs, the heavier the deck of the skateboard needs to be. Another good tip to follow is that beginners usually start with wider boards.

You can compare skateboards and accessories at several places online, or browse through skateboard specialty shops to find the perfect board for you. If you are just beginning in the sport, you may not want to start out with the most expensive board to practice with. Not everyone decides to continue with the sport once they have tried it, so you do not want to be out too much money if you decide to quit skateboarding.

Reading online reviews about different types of skateboards is also a good idea. Quality is so important with skateboards. You want to make sure that the manufacturer's claims are true. It is important to get the best quality skateboard you can afford. Even with daily use, a good quality skateboard should last between six months to a year. Skateboards can become expensive, so you do not want to replace boards any more than you have to.

While many people find that purchasing a skateboard online is less expensive than purchasing one from a local skateboard shop, there are advantages to purchasing locally. By purchasing from your local shop, you are able to actually get a feel of the board making sure it will work for you before purchasing it. If the skateboard is not what you want, the savings you might have gotten online won't matter.

If you do decide to go ahead and order online, do not forget to review the return policy well. If you are not able to return your skateboard for a refund if you find that it does not work for your skateboarding needs, you will be out that much money. Make sure that the company you are ordering from has a liberal return policy before buying!

There are many affordable skateboards on the market that will work great. Or, if you are really dedicated to the sport and have the money to invest, you may consider having a skateboard custom built to your specifications. By setting a budget and researching several different styles and designs of skateboards before making a purchase, you will insure that you will have a skateboard that should give you months of use and accentuate your personal style.

By: John Pauls